Today a new social network service knocked on my door, the Buzz!
Gilad"s shared items
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
reflection and the buzz
Posted by
Gilad Buchman
11:07 PM
Monday, February 8, 2010
Future of learning
Reading about a new startup in the learning /education area made me start thinking about how should learning work in the 21st century. The future is not in individually learning from an adaptive software . Rather its in working in teams on projects.
The classroom of the future that I imagine, is built around teams working together on a project that challenges and extends the children skills while building teamwork and social and emotional intelligence skills.
- Anticipation: being proactive rather then reactive and passive.
- Listening to others
- Participating: shaping events rather then being shaped by them.
Posted by
Gilad Buchman
10:12 PM
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Effective Performence Evaluation
One of the chapters of the Effective Executive (by Peter Drucker) is called "Making Strength Productive". It talks about playing to a person's strengths. This is especially important for making an effective performance evaluation.
Performance Evaluations are usually ignored by both reviewer and reviewer. Why? According to Drucker its like going to the dentist, and who likes that. The relationships in the workplace should not be of healer and patient but of mentorship.
So what should it include?
4 questions:
- What task does the person does well?
- What task is it, therefore, that they are able to fill?
- What should they learn or acquire to make the most of their strength?
- If I had a son or a daughter, would I like it if he (or she) was working under the orders of this person?
- If so, why?
- If not, why not?
- If so, why?
By making it an opportunity to grow, it makes the process be effective and motivating.
Posted by
Gilad Buchman
3:40 PM
Labels: drucker, motivation, reading
Friday, August 31, 2007
The Power of Community
Priscilla Palmer has put together this massive list of personal development websites.
I see you saying to yourself, "Another list, why should I bother with it". So this is why, Chris Marshall from Martial Development has created The Personal Development Oracle. A Google custom search engine, if you ask the oracle a question it will search for the answer from the personal development blogs on the list.
This is the power of web 2.0, each member of a community puts is his own special contribution of the subject and everybody can enjoy it, with simple tools such as search box.
Friday, July 6, 2007
3 ways, only one leads to success
On his book The Dip, Seth Godin presents three ways to view any path you are taking in your life. The Dip, The Cul-de-Sac (dead end), and The Cliff.
You are on the Cul-de-Sac, when you are doing something that gives you some reward but over time the reward does not increase no matter how big the effort you invest in it. For example, watching television or surfing the web on work time (and writing this blog post).
You are on the cliff, when the reward/effort ratio increases in time but you know in the end there is a big cliff. For example, smoking, not exercising, and surfing the web on work time (and writing this blog post).
You are on the Dip when first the reward is big, but after a while it is getting harder and harder , only the ones that get out of the dip get a high reward. For example, writing a blog, on the first few posts it is fun and you have a lot of ideas, but then after a while you hit the dip and you don't have time to post anything, the hits on your blog don't increase enough, and you are out of ideas on what to write.
Most people stay on the cliffs and dead ends of life, and quit on dips. Seth advice to happiness is to do the opposite. Quit the cliffs and dead ends and focus on the Dips.
Posted by
Gilad Buchman
12:26 PM
Labels: dip, focus, seth godin, success
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Taking productivity to the next level
"Self development" literature tends to focus on the "self".
How to set goals, manage your time and tasks. Building information management systems, being organized. How to stay in focus and be motivated. Having healthy and intimate relationships.
Self-growth is a hard and never ending mission, which I struggle with every day.
Albert Einstein once said:
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
The same is true with the problem of personal growth.
In The The 8th Habit, Stephan Covey, talks about taking growth to the next level. How? Find your Voice & Inspire Others to find Theirs. Become a leader.
Leadership by Covey does not depend on your on your formal position, it is an attitude. What ever is your position is in an organization, you can always take the "personal-growth" ideas and implement them on the team/group/community/organization level.
The framework for growth focus on all 4 sides of being human:
- Body:
Personal - exercise, be healthy, control your impulses, develop good habits and work to eliminate bad habits.
Team /Organization - build good routines and information flow systems, keep the organization healthy by making sure it meets the needs for survival (i.e. economic growth, members satisfaction). - Mind:
Personal - Learn all the time, expend your skills and responsibilities. Visualise yourself in a year from now, 3 years, 20 years. Set goals and plan to achieve them.
Team/Organization - Develop a mission statement, a vision. Plan for the long term goals. - Heart:
Personal - Learn to recognize your emotions and to control them. Develop heart-full relationships in your family, with friends and colleagues.
Team/Organization - Trust (verb and noun) your team members, be a trustworthy person. Develop relationships inside the group and with other groups. Empower team members by beliveing in them and helping them in a significant way(for them). - Spirit:
Personal - Live by principles and values. Contribute to make the world a better place.
Team/Organization - Act according to pricipels and values. Meet a genuine need in the world. "Don't be evil".
Questions to ask on a daily basis
(team = team/organization/group)
- Do I identify with my team values?
- How are my goals meet the goals of my team?
- How can my team grow and improve?
- How can I help my team members?
- How can I become a leader and a force of growth in my team?
Posted by
Gilad Buchman
10:07 PM
Labels: covey, growth, habits, leadership, team
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
"All the good ideas I ever had came to me while I was milking a cow", Grant Wood
Having a personal organization system is vital for achieving a state of flow in your life. It releases your mind for creativity and growth.
I'm using remember the milk as my task manager.
- It is simple, clean, streaming and have a zen like feeling to its design. No clutter, everything is clear, and easy to maintain.
- Great keyboard interface. almost everything can be done from the keyboard. adding tasks, tagging them, prioritizing, updating, adding links/notes/due dates. even batch editing (use the 'm'ulti-mode).
- used as a module in my personal management system. It has great gadgets for your mobile phone, personalized homepage, calender, maps, dashboard, email, and with the new Google gears feature you don't have to be connected to have your list.
- using tags and smart lists you can customize the way you using RTM. you can tag task by project, context, location, status, and then have specialized lists using the tags.
- Sharing tasks is great for project management, family messages and shopping lists.
- I have only few lists:
- Inbox - for fast insertion of tasks, that i can process later.
- tagged - all processed tasks
- projects - list projects and for every project i have and Outcome, progress, and reference notes.
- goals - prioritized by: short term(few months), medium term (1-3 years), long term (3-20 years)
- Inbox - for fast insertion of tasks, that i can process later.
- I tag every task by project, location, context, and any other tag that come into mind. On my weekly review I go over my tag cloud instead of on lists.
- I use smartlists to have a list of tasks i use. Then I have a RTM gadget on my iGoogle page, in addition to the main RTM gadget that I use as my "hard landscape", that i change to watch the list I want at any given depending on what I work on.
- Get Things Done - on my weekly review I tag tasks I want to complete this week as 'thisweek', then I go over the list and give a due date for each task on the list. I make sure that I have an action for every project I'm working on. This way I know I'm going to make progress on all my projects.
Posted by
Gilad Buchman
12:52 PM
Labels: GTD, site of the day, web2